Short bursts of physical activity cut women’s risk of heart attack
Just a few minutes of vigorous movement per day offers cardiovascular benefits Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash A dash of vigorous activity a day could keep the heart troubles away. Women who included short bursts of intense physical activity in their daily routines saw their risk of major cardiovascular problems drop 45 percent compared with women who did none, scientists reported December 3 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine . And those short bursts of activity can be really short, says Emmanuel Stamatakis, a physical activity epidemiologist at the University of Sydney — just 20 to 30 seconds of intense physical exertion sprinkled multiple times throughout the day. In his team’s study, a few minutes total of these bursts was enough to see hefty heart benefits. It’s not a new idea for Stamatakis, who has been working in the field for decades. He’s previously shown that short bouts of vigorous activity cut the risk of death from any ...